Friday, April 21, 2017

【個人覺知的力量 Personal Power Through Awareness】

【個人覺知的力量 Personal Power Through Awareness】

“不要感覺被冒犯, 因為感覺被冒犯和冒犯本身一樣不好。當你感覺被冒犯, 你貢獻了負面能量, 結果你被負面能量所環繞, 而為你吸引更多相同的能量。當你被冒犯時, 你的心封閉了起來, 你也同時遠離靈魂的連結。當人們用憤怒或恐懼和你說話時, 你不需要感覺被冒犯, 因為那發自他們較低的自我。學習把焦點放在他們的大我, 因為你所專心和注意的事, 也會是你為周圍人們吸引出來的事。” Ch14《擁有大我的智慧》P. 219~220

“Do not take offense, for offense taken is as bad as offense given. When you take offense, you contribute to negative energy, and thus there is negative energy around you that can attract more of the same. When you get offended, you close down your heart and thus turn away from your connection to your soul. Do not get offended when people speak from anger or fear for it is coming from a lesser self within them. Learn to focus their greater selves, for whatever you focus on and pay attention to is what you draw out in the people around you.” Ch14 <Wisdom: Being Your Higher Self>

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