Sunday, August 21, 2016

轉: 來自高密度靈魂的特徵 (你中了幾個?)

主要特别的懶😂 想做就馬上做到。
還有... 缺耐性啊...

從出生,還在嬰兒時期就特别闗注一些大事件... 如8964。我媽就說我當時4個月大bb,莫名的,不睡覺看着電視追踪那件事的發生。

























Tuesday, August 16, 2016

韓劇 《W》 的靈性啟發

韓劇《W》/ W-兩個世界 / W-平衡空間 當中有些靈性醒覺的啓發。(只属個人見解)


每次電影或是劇集的故事都包含作者的靈魂記憶帶來的靈性啓發。自從醒覺後,我喜歡多途徑的欣賞情節的表达。雖然我不是甚麽專家.... 只是分享一下吧。

男主角是漫畫主角,起初當然不知道自己的世界是虚构的漫畫世界。我看以為就是平衡空間的劇,有興趣看。結果理解是: 真的世界是高了一個維度看事情,漫畫中才是真正的世界。即是說,我們的世界在外星人眼中也是在觀察的形式看地球人的故事發展。

可以說成3D世界(女主的世界)看2D世界(男主的漫畫世界),比較容易解釋給觀衆......我是說如果能有共鳴的觀衆們。雖然像解說平衡空間(例如: 同一家醫院,但不同名字),但我覺得維度更為貼切。





男主角死不去,是因為他要掌管自己的生命。就如現在醒覺的人一樣,生命是由自己顯化,創造,而非靠宗教的"神"。We create our own reality.

當女主角告訴男主他的世界是一個漫畫世界。他的世界所有人和時間都停頓了。得主角孤單一人。此刻的旁白說: "就像給醒覺的人的懲罰一樣"。直接得很,不用解釋。


平時的情况,汽車的車牌打上了馬賽克。漫畫家的車牌是1010。男主角的車子車牌號碼是 444,那是天使號碼。管它是否刻意加插,或是"巧合"。首先要明白這宇宙中,凡事也没有巧合的事,都是已安排好的事。:)


Sunday, August 7, 2016


種甚因得甚果,不是做壊事就有报應,而是一個人放甚麽能量到宇宙中,那就像一面鏡子般反彈翻來自己受。種瓜得瓜這句也被宗教利用洗腦成,努力工作就有很多金錢上的报酬。那是錯誤的。黑暗勢力就是這樣令人變成金錢的奴隶。人的一生多少時間是幫銀行打工: 供車供屋。人已忘記自由,忘記靈性,忘記自己是誰。只要記得自己是誰,就知道自己要來地球的目的。 我講既野普通人以為是哲學,只是思考不可以與現實相提,但對於已經醒覺的人來說確就是觸摸得到的真實。 相反,宗教教的只是皮毛,信側有,不信就冇。


所有事情如果看着憤怒,就代表你們已經開始接受,開始醒覺。憤怒不代表憤世嫉俗,這份憤怒會過去,轉化成愛。一開始我怕常常share這些message會很討人厭,但這卻是每個lightworker來到地球要做的事情,我不能再逃避下去。而且事件很快便會發生。不想知,不想理,不想看,那你就和大部份的人一樣停在無知的level裏,更有大部份人覺得發表陰謀論的人是瘋言瘋語,也是無知的。憤世嫉俗是形容一些無知的人,自己不增值自己卻嫉妒人家所有的事物,是負面的。憤怒自己活在謊言裏是正面的,是個好開始,接着就是痛苦,開始思考人生,人為甚麽要受這些無謂的苦而有錢人會這樣自私? 有想過人是地球上唯一一種生物需要錢來活口? 其他動物會否需要? 學校教的又是甚麽人甚麽standard? 有人會罵我們,"甘討厭這世界為甚麽不去死?" 確实有很多很多抱着"我不入地狱誰入地狱"的傻瓜星籽挨不住,自尋短見,這也是一種對他們痛苦的解脱,但對地球有用嗎??? 不斷有新疑問,是因為所有人太習以為常,看不出細微的事。為甚麽政府就不能再路邊種一些有果实的樹木,結果時讓流浪的人吃得到? 反正也是種,這只是很簡單的举動。不,一定要讓有些人難過,而你就在把這些"窮人"的擔子背上身,我要幚人,必先賺到錢來捐出去! 😅 根本就是不合理的邏辑! 對,你是好人,但完全是長貧難顧。你是否有錢到一天裏面改變世界? 真正能做得到的人正在做甚麽? 拥有世界資產的1% 人口在做甚麽? 99%的人在做甚麽? 為何還在當這1%的人口的奴隶? 這是因為没有還没睡醒😴 一群羊... 牧者是耶穌,他在帶你們出來,而不是被掉入更深的地狱。 世界每一個人是連系着的。不只外面連系,内面也連着。有聽過一句話: "要改變世界,先要改變自己的心"嗎? 說的是真的。人有很多力量可以改變表面的事,可惜書本没有教,他們也不會讓你們知道自己有多神,知道之後,就没有可以管你們的理由。這個宇宙不只一個,每分每秒都在分裂。每次我們的心是正面,我們就會轉到一個正面的層面。負面的人會去一個負面的層面。心情樂觀悲觀也能改變外在環境。
正解: 天主没有創造地獄,宗教為了箝制人們思想,製造恐慌,要人類恐惧天主才創造地獄。地球才是真正的地獄。試想像一個仁慈大愛寛恕的天主會無端端造一個這樣的地方去惩罰人嗎? 除了144000個靈魂,無數光工都正在幫忙解放地球。地球人不知道,因為課本没教,這星球的思想是互相影響,實驗也在猴子身上做過collective consciousness。沉睡不醒只會跟所有人一樣被牵着走,也代表他們依然覺得金錢,經济體系是正常的,别的國家打仗,别人的衣不蔽體,饥不果腹与自己無闗。醒覺反而能救地球,代表你不願意讓這些事情發生。要改變地球必先不逃避地接受現狀。

Sunday, March 6, 2016




這套動漫最近好紅。不過很多人只看不會思考。我很少看動漫,我去追看的原因是我覺得作者是一個醒覺的人。而我十分代入艾倫EREN和愛爾敏ARMIN兩位主角談及墻外世界被人嘲笑的感覺。(建議沒有聽過任何陰謀論的人先自己查看由來。)很多時,你說一些不中聽的東西就被人恥笑,被人駡。自從我醒覺以來,像這樣的日子差不多天天過。感覺一點也不好受。我是聖經裡面提到的144000人(靈魂、星籽)的其中之一。星籽來說,地球有很多很多無處不在的星籽轉世,但我不明白為什麼我就是那144000其中的一個。見過耶穌之後,我的3眼開了,自此之後我便過得不一樣。每次說到這事,就必然被人恥笑我神經病。當別人這樣笑我還可以,最可憐就是當家人也這樣看待我的時候,感覺還是酸酸的。別人笑我太瘋癲,我笑他人看不穿。眾人皆醉,我獨醒。XD 其實這樣也很好玩。所以說,我的感覺就像兩位主角那樣。


我並不覺得故事如別人所說的什麼什麼主義淪為一談,什麼中共是巨人等,那不是。報道這樣說只是因為他們沒有醒覺自己居住的世界是什麼世界。這個世界只有地球人,應沒有什麼國家之分(要爭論這點的人還在沉睡中,多得這種人地球還在打仗)。故事裡面所說的人類已經將近滅亡。說初時是巨人令到人類差不多滅絕,但是故事一開始就出現超大型巨人Colossal Titan 將人類繼續趕上絕路。


巨人的恐怖襲擊就像9/11,法國巴黎恐襲,寨卡病毒 Zika Virus (這病毒本身是由實驗室研究出來的,早在1947年就已經被Rockefeller Foundation 註冊專利,製造病毒害人還可以註冊專利!?),癌症永遠沒有辦法根治的原因,為爭燃油打仗等。還有滅絕人類的New World Order, depopulation 計劃。相信Colossal Titan 出現的原因就是為了將人類殲滅 (Bertholdt 有說過城墻裡面的人要死,為什麼?)。當第一道城墻Wall Maria 被擊破,大量難民湧入第二道城墻Wall Rosa時,政府要解決糧食短缺的問題把他們送去前線打巨人送死。政府根本沒有把人當做人類來看待。同樣,現實世界中很多不合理的事件,為什麼水裡面要加氟化物?

3種兵團如我所想,作者講實代表地球上有3種人,主角要加入的"調查兵團"是代表醒覺了的人類,一直追尋真相,其他兵團是世界大部份人的代表: 不問世事,自私自利的人。還沒有醒覺的人(駐屯兵團)基本上沒有什麼,但請不要對所有事情無知(憲兵團),然後批評醒覺的人。




有個私生的新女王登位(Historia/Krista),代表收埋的女性energy 回歸(地球一直被打壓導致陰陽不平衡,男女性energy一直没有平衡,状態繼續下去會世界末日)。同新一集Stars wars 以女性Rey 做主角原因一樣,female energy 歸來。

不知道作者有沒有提過為什麼里維LEVI兵長的生日篇為12月25日,那是傳統聖誕節。12月25日是紀念耶穌的誕生,里維兵長在故事中被稱為“人類最強的士兵”。我覺得這些並不是巧合那麼簡單。作者說LEVI的名字是來自作者看過的紀錄片《Jesus Camp》(當中的小孩的名字。如果有看過該紀錄片就會知道它記錄了孩子如何被宗教洗腦,而Levi這孩子便是其中一個被洗腦得厲害的一位。為什麼里維的名字和生日都跟耶穌扯上一談?是不是象徵著什麼?






巨人的構思從哪裏來?諫山毫不掩飾說:「巨人的構思和造型,是受18禁(成人限定)電腦遊戲《Muv-Luv Alternative》以及漫畫《地獄老師》的影響。」《Muv-Luv》是描寫外星人襲擊地球的故事,而《地獄老師》的動畫也曾在香港播出,諫山在讀小學時,看了其中一集出現的「蒙娜麗莎妖怪」,會突然從畫中伸出來吃人,這情節他記憶猶新。「當時,我真的很害怕,不敢一個人去廁所。對巨人的恐懼,就跟我小時候怕食人蒙娜麗莎的感覺很相似吧。」










Friday, February 5, 2016

Who are the 144,000 Souls?

I think a lot of people have already heard of the 144000 souls, but there are many misconceptions of who these people are. They were mentioned in the Bible, Book of Revelation chapter 7 and 14.

Chapter 7 was described exactly how we met Jesus and God, the Source.

Revelation 14:4 states that these 144,000 are “firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.” If these 144,000 are God’s first fruits, then no one else is included. The firstfruits are exactly 144,000, not one person less or one more! These numbers are consistent with the “thousands” and “tens of thousands” added together from the Old and New Testaments. As Christ says, “Many are called, but few chosen” (Matthew 20:16)

The bride of Christ is exactly 144,000. Revelation 21:2 describes the bride as “the holy city, New Jerusalem (the Mother ship New Jerusalem), coming down out of heaven from God.” At this point, she has risen to meet Jesus Christ, married Him and is coming back to rule on the earth with Him (Revelation 5:10). She will always be with Him from this time on (I Thessalonians 4:17). This occurs at the last trumpet (I Corinthians 15:50-52), the time of the resurrection of the “dead in Christ” along with those who are “alive and remain.” (I Thessalonians 4:16-17)


The minimum requirement for a planet to go through to get to the Event, there must be at least 144000 people awakened. Since we’ve (already met 2 other ladies in this group ;)) been awakened by Jesus, I have strong faith that 100% the Event will come – but the exact time is unknown because we need to create our own timeline for it to happen!

At first I thought we are “the chosen ones”, but in fact, we volunteered to be chosen. We were the original starseeds (“firstfruits” to God and to the Lamb) to come to Earth. We are very old souls, and have lived on Earth maybe over 10,000 years ago. Most likely we were all from the Atlantis.

Background information by Cobra:

Something extra about 144000, but I have no experience or knowledge on (This could be a channeling message, if so, it might not be true):

"There will be a New World-Parliament of 144 + 144.000 Light-Masters, that will replace ALL the current governments & politicians of this world,

The 144 + 144.000 will represent ALL hUmaNITY & will always work in the best interest of hUmaNITY & always for the highest good of ALL.

The 144 + 144.000 Light-Masters will also be the next ascended masters in current time.

The 144 + 144.000 Light-Masters will soon be welcomed in the mystery school, the White Temple of ONE Inner Light, in the City of Light." ★

~ Kim Marcussen

٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

"The Crystalline 144 grid is now emerging beyond the icosahedron. A ‘seed-crystal’ matrix, the double penta-dodecahedron, is born. The evolved geometry is divinely fashioned to resonate a higher frequency for the New Earth.

WE can ALL be a part of the new crystal formation, the Crystalline-144 ascension grid. ONE of the most meaningful avenues available to us in the ascension process is coming together as Light-Masters and Earth-Keepers in ceremony and unity, to awaken ALL hUmaNITY and bond with the living Earth, the living Cosmos by generating and directing awakened loving energy.

By concerted efforts to support and give Light to the ascension grid, WE accelerate both it’s activation and our own. The planetary ascension grid is a manifestation of the energy evolvement and patterned growth of the universal consciousness. Earth is the living Gaia the grid is her aura. Sacred geometry is the language and fabric of higher dimension, higher consciousness, accordingly the grid contains the sacred geometry energy patterns of the golden phi and spiral, the platonic solids, the flower of life, and the crystal matrix of creation.

WE accept readily that WE are energetic beings surrounded by a potent electromagnetic field. WE chose to be part of the ascension process and the ascension of the living Gaia. WE channel inward great flows of cosmic divine energy with the capacity to direct this Light outward through directed meditative thought for the highest good.

By unifying our energies in synchronized ecstatic states WE form a powerful Light vortex. This energy can cleanse, brighten, energize and activate each ONE of us, according to our intent and flow. Our intent is Light of the highest order, transferred to the new grid, the new crystal matrix of Gaia, the 144-Crystal vibration." ★

~ Tyberonn

٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

"144 as a perfect harmonic of the speed of light, which is 144,000 nautical miles (144,000 minutes of arc per Earth grid second) in the vacuum of space.

Each of these harmonics are literally a mirror, or a cascade of mirrors within mirrors, that 8 hz can look into.

For example 144 is 18 x 8 hz, and 72 is 9 x 8 hz.

The way that light travels in space is thus a 144 decimal harmonic (144:144,000).

The fundamental harmonic of light in geometric terms has an angular velocity of 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second. The reciprocal harmonic of light or 1/144,000 repeating .69444. This harmonic refers to the negative reciprocal light, which in theory forms the basic building block of the anti-universe of light or negative reality."

Mayan calendar Baktun = 400 years = 144,000 days

Then there's the 144,000 facing stones that covered the 4 sided Giza Pyramid

{144,000 divided by 4 = 360,000 which is 100 years using a 360 day lunar calendar year." ★

٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

"As WE come together as ONE unified cosmic heart, as the waves of the 144 + 144.000, WE activate the New Earth templates through the Crystalline Cities of Light, as WE experience the Pathway of Christ consciousness.

The Crystalline Cities of Light, also known as higher-dimensional Cities of Light, anchored energetically on this Earth plane in 104 000 BC. In 104 000 B.C., through the collective signature of ONE unity consciousness from the cosmic heart and divine flame of eternal Light of Mother/Father God, a call was put out across all dimensions and galaxies requesting 144.000 Light-Masters to physically embody onto Earth, and to anchor the frequencies of the law of ONE through the three-fold flame and heart center of every atom and molecule on this Earth plane. These 144.000 Beings of Light stepped down their vibration to take on earthly form and many of you were part of this core group, or subsequent waves of this core group, who chose to be of service to Mother Earth and all her life. At that now moment, the knowing of our collective hearts dreaming anchored through the Crystalline Cities of Light and into the Crystalline matrix of the New Earth templates.

The Crystalline Cities of Light embody the energy of pure, divine LOVE, peace and harmony, and act as a dimensional gateway for many of the Light-Masters from On High to connect with the awakened souls on this Earth plane. In golden ages of Light, many initiates of Light would find themselves walking up a spiral of crystal stairs, into a beautiful Crystalline City of Light. Greeted by Christed extra-terrestrials and higher dimensional Light Beings they would

This is my story:

So I'm a Sirian starseed being placed in the Catholic belief system. That's what those 144,000 are; they're placed in all belief systems. Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. – The “tribes” in Book of Revelation, Chapter 7. And 12,000 placed in each religion.

I all the sudden became interested in aliens and UFOs back in 2013, something to do with the shift in 2012 I guess (Or my DNA tells me it’s time for me to learn who I am). I just started to realize aliens, the good ones, are actually spiritual in nature just 10 days before I met Jesus. I knew nothing about spirituality prior to this (Even I may have experienced much in the past). A friend of mine who is very interested in spirituality, and we started talking about it.

Around the 19-20th of Aug, there were many info about Sept 23rd, and the apocalypse stuff all over internet, I did not pay attention or believed or even wanted to watch any... but just no idea why I still HAVE TO go and watch it.

I had a weird sense that Jesus is coming back. And my sister was in Hong Kong for her summer that time. I called her and said: “Jesus is coming back! I’m going to get His autograph!” – Yes, I’m weird, and I told everyone… even it’s just a “sense” inside me. LOL!

I telepathically received an image telling me to wear white (a casual look, with a pinch of the white Tee). Then I had nightmares, or actually Archon activated, kept seeing satanic images, I was so scared and couldn't sleep at all. It didn't stop until I was swearing at it and said: "I love my God".

One of my cats (which I later found out she was my guardian angel) came to kiss my forehead, I heard a 'pop' on my forehead, and it friggen hurts!! I didn't know much or anything about the 3rd eye. I instantly can do remote viewing (I thought it was visions given by Jesus or angels...). I saw the military reselling drugs they collected to make money. The whole thing as if I was watching it hidden inside a cupboard or peeking from inside a garbage bin lol.

The next day my diet changed dramatically, I cannot eat meat and almost threw up when given chicken. Weird things happened... My door bell rung 2 times: 1) two people rung my door bell asking me if I believe in Jesus, I said yes. They were Jehovah Witness, and we chatted for about 30 min on the book of revelation. 2) A girl came and asked me to donate money to the refugee something organization with my credit card, I said yes… weird enough and kinda dangerous but I told myself what’s money for if the world is ending soon, lmao.

That night, the 21st, I took my dog out for a quick pee, she didn't come back. She was staring at the sky, at a super bright star that's blinking red and blue light (can go check my video I took I set to public). I just thought it was an UFO so I took my phone and recorded it. "It" won't go away, my dog refused to come home, so I kneel down to it. Then heard the "angel's horns" blown from my back. I was given a vibration in my brain that last around 10 min. After that, everything stopped, the star disappeared. I looked at myself, I was wearing white and the picture I saw.... shocked me... it was JESUS standing on his anti-gravitational device. That night I could see my room clearly in pitch black with my eyes closed. I was so excited and rolling on my bed: “OMG! I met Jesus!! My dog met Jesus!! How did that happen”, blah blah… going psycho…

Not a single soul believed my experience... even to those who are religious... I was silly enough to tell everyone about it.

I have visions that 923 an asteroid was gonna hit Earth, but also in a parallel universe, nothing happened (so right now in our present timeline IS the parallel universe), but I was too focused on the negative one.

I cried cause no one believed me, that night, Aug 23rd, the Sunday followed. I went to church (all I knew at that time was… I met Jesus, so everything was real, the Bible was real, God is real… the church is realll!!) I cried during mass, I cried cause I can visualize how sad it will be for everyone at the church experience such a thing without even knowing that it will happen. That night, God came to me. A light in the sky, no like Jesus's red and blue, just light. I took my phone out again. I later then saw the video with the light moving and writing 'G-o-D'.... This whole story is like chapter 7, 'God came to wipe my tears'.

That wasn’t the only time I met God. The 2nd time was the following week. I was meditating, or just sitting in front of the alter inside the church. I closed my eyes, and almost fell asleep. God appeared, and I instantly woke up. The 3rd time was sometime after Sept 23rd, I always looked bad on “how stupid I was not understanding the message that there’s parallel universe”, “I’m such an idiot”, “people will look down on me”, etc… God appeared in my dream. He/She was such a loving parent figure, and I looked up to Him/Her as a little child. He/She let me played with water and air, we played a few games. I don’t really remember how the games were played, but it was fun. I enjoyed it. There was a game was like a little puzzle game that I picked out water and air, etc. I saw water turning into clouds, into air. I knew the games are teaching me how to “let go”. It’s difficult how to describe them, but they were very cool. The next morning, I woke up, I forgot all the negative thoughts I kept to punish myself.

I also felt that moment was when all my dark side was being surfaced. My anxiety, depression, fear, etc. All of these are no longer inside. I have became a vegetarian since then. I learned to use animal communication to “talk” to my animals, and even plants. One time I asked a tree: “How is it like to be a tree?” I thought it would be funny if a tree can “talk back” lolol. I actually got a feedback from the tree. It was a ‘red circle’. I didn’t understand what that means. I later felt it was the sun - the message may be: “as long as it’s sunny, I’m happy.” It was the coolest thing you can ever imagine.